Sunday, 31 July 2016

Maths for Term 3

At the moment our maths focus is on multiplication and division.  We are practising in school and extra practise of times tables for homework will be very helpful.  If your child hasn't yet brought home a "table mountain" for times tables practise, they can pick one up in class... they look like this:

The idea is that you start on the bottom row, mastering these facts.  In order to "know" a fact, we would expect to be able to recall the fact within about 3-5 seconds.  Test them out in random order...!
Once you know a fact, colour it in on the table mountain.  Remember, once you know the fact, you actually know two facts because they work either way round.  (4 x 3 is 12 and so is 3 x 4).
Then work on the next row.  Notice there are less and less facts to learn as you go up the mountain!  There are many online games that you could use to practise your times tables and become quicker.  Here is one:

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