Parent Letters

Dear Room 3 Families, 16th February 2016NS_logo-medium.jpg


Room 3 will not be having a camp this year.  Instead of this, Room 3 will be going on two day trips in March.

The first day trip will be to Waiomu with the rest of the junior school on Friday March the 4th.  Details about this trip are on a separate letter to the whole junior school.

The second, Room 3 only, trip will be on Friday March the 11th.  We will be travelling to Hamilton for a visit to the Leonardo da Vinci machines exhibition in the morning, followed by lunch at Hamilton Lake and a special surprise in the afternoon.  We will be travelling by bus.

We will be leaving school at 8.20am and returning by about 4.20pm.  Arrangements will need to be made to drop off and collect students.

The cost for this trip is $25 per student.  

Parent help with supervision on this trip would be greatly appreciated.  Parents are able to join us on the bus and visit the exhibition at no charge.   We don’t require extra transport this time.

Can you please return the slip to the school office by Friday 26th February.  Payment is required by the 4th of March.  If you wish to pay by online banking, The account number is  available from Mrs Rodley or Mrs Mitchell.
Please quote your name and “Room 3 Trip”.

best wishes, Hilary Rodley


Child’s name: ________________________________________________

Parent’s name: ______________________________________________

Parent’s contact number: _____________________________________
I give permission for my child to go on the Room 3 trip to Hamilton on Friday March the 11th.
I am able to help supervise a small group of children on the trip.
I enclose $25 payment for the trip/I will pay by March the 4th.

Signed: _______________________________________________________

Dear Room 3 Families, 5th February 2016NS_logo-medium.jpg

Welcome to another school year.  I am delighted to be back in Room 3 and am looking forward to another year of exciting learning.  This letter is to let you know some of the “nuts and bolts” of Room 3.

Room 3 Blog  Please check the class blog!  You’ll find it at
The blog contains information about Homework such as spelling lists and maths facts.  I will also be posting about what we are doing in class.  You can subscribe to it via email so that you are emailed any new posts, though you will need to check on the blog itself for updates to spelling lists etc.

Homework - don’t believe your child when they say they have none!  There is always homework to be done: Reading, Maths and Spelling.
Reading Homework
Your child needs to read as much as possible - all the research shows that this is the best way to make progress in reading.  A book will usually be sent home - but if it hasn’t please select a book from home to read and note this in your child’s reading diary.  
At this age, your child does not always need to read aloud to you, they can read silently to themselves and you could ask them about their book afterwards.
Maths Homework
Basic Facts are so important to help your child develop new strategies.  This is something that can be done at home via games or other practice.
Basic Facts to be learned are listed on the class blog and there are links to suitable online games etc.  Please come and see me if you would like more guidance.
Spelling Homework
Spelling words will be given to your child each week at school and these will also be available online on the class blog.  Tests will be on Fridays.  Whilst some work is done in class learning weekly words, work at home will also be beneficial.

In addition to this, your child will be tested on the “Essential Lists” 3-4 times each year.  
These are all available on the class blog and your child is responsible for learning these at home.
Class Trips
Rather than having camp this year, we will be going on two class trips this term:
Fri 4th March - Junior School Trip to Waiomu
Fri 11th March - Room 3 Trip to Hamilton Museum
If you’re able to help on either of these days that would be great.  More information will be given closer to the time.
Wheels Wednesday
Junior School students are able to bring scooters to school each Wednesday to ride during break times.   Please ensure that scooters are clearly named and children park them in the scooter racks.
Our library day is Friday.  Please return library books by this day.
Subway Orders  Subway is available for students every Wednesday lunchtime.  The correct money needs to be returned in the Subway envelopes no later than 12pm each Tuesday.  Envelopes are available at the office.  We aren’t doing sausage sizzles on Fridays this year.
Earphones/Earbuds  It would be very helpful for your child to have their own pair of (named) earphones or earbuds to be kept at school.  I know many people have spares that have come with phones etc - if you are able to send some in for your child, it would be much appreciated.  Please send them in a ziplock bag or case to be kept in their tote tray.
Lost Property To help us to return lost items to your child, please 😊 ensure items are clearly named.  
This is especially important during swimming season!

I am always happy to talk to parents, although before school I will be preparing for the day and may not have the time for an in depth discussion.  If you need more than a quick catch up, please call in to see me after school or you can ring the school office or e-mail me to arrange a time:

best wishes, Hilary Rodley