Hi Room 3 children and families
I hope you all had a good Christmas and summer break. :-) We are in for a busy term, with camp in Week 5 at Waitawheta, details about this will come home soon.
We swim every day at the moment as our P.E. is learning to swim and be confident in the water. Please make sure your child has their togs. If they are not swimming due to medical reasons, they need a note - otherwise they will be given something from school to swim in.HOMEWORK in Room 3
The main homework is daily reading. Usually your child will bring a book from school to read to you or quietly to themselves if they are a fluent reader. Please sign their notebook to show that they've read. If they haven't brought home a book or poem, they can choose a book from home to read and this can be written in their notebook. Reading on a regular basis is a very important part of becoming an able reader.Spelling lists for each week are posted to this blog - see the links at the top of the page for the lists for each spelling group. Your child should soon know which group they are in this year! We practise lists in class and it is very helpful if children can practise at home too. To help with this, the lists are "clickable" and will take you to a page where you can practise the specific words with games.
Here is a great list of 75 ideas of fun ways to practise words.
Learning maths facts by heart is also important and I will note in your child's reading diary the facts that they currently need to be learning by heart. Here are some ideas. There are lots of games and apps online that will help too.
If you have any questions or would like to see me I am usually around after school for a quick chat, otherwise please email me or ring the school office to arrange a time.
Mrs Rodley
This is very interesting .
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