Friday, 31 July 2015


We have been working on persuasive writing so far this term and have begun writing our speeches.  Most children have started typing their speeches up on their Google Drive so they can work on one document at home and at school.

Parents, could you please help your child with their speech at home?  The things that we are looking for are:

  • a good knowledge of the topic
  • a clear argument (you need to pick a side and argue it)
  • clear reasons with examples
  • an introduction to hook the listener in, 3 reasons (minimum) with examples, and a conclusion
  • presenting is clear and confident, with expression
We will be performing our speeches in front of our class in Week 4 and then two or three will also perform in front of junior assembly.

Have fun practicing your speech!

Monday, 27 July 2015


Hi Room 3,

Here is the list of speech topics that you suggested today.  You don't need to choose one from this list, but you must choose one that is interesting, with three or more reasons.

Please choose a topic by Wednesday so you can write your speech in time to present it next week.
  • Why should we buy Lego?
  • Why should we have motorbikes?
  • Why should we have Halloween?
  • Why should we have to pay for water?
  • Why should we play sports?
  • Why should we pay for power?
  • Why should people do duck shooting?
  • Why should we go fishing?
  • Why is Christmas important?
  • Why should we have pets?
  • Why should we have a pony/horse?
  • Why should people have healthy foods?
  • Why should we have to go to school?
  • Why should we have Christmas trees?
  • Why should we have junk food?
  • Why should we do cross country?
  • Why should we travel?
  • Why should we have towns and cities?
  • Why should we not use swear words?
  • Why should we have Easter?
  • Why should we have technology?
  • Why should we have cars?
  • Why should we protect our native bush?
  • Why should we protect our endangered birds?
  • Why should we have scarecrows?

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Netherton School News

Hi Room 3 students and families!

On Friday the children created a practice episode of 'Netherton School News'.  We had presenters, reporters, film crews, assistants and people to interview.  Our show was all about Netherton School, and we talked a bit about what has been happening in our school lately.  We really liked what we came up with and now we're hoping to make a regular Netherton School News show.

Could you please comment below with the things you would like to see on Netherton School News?  Perhaps some of your suggestions might be shown at assembly on Thursday.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Milk Science

Today we conducted some experiments in Room 3.  We put some milk into some dishes and added some drops of detergent.  It just made a blob of green goo in the bottom of the dish.  Then we tried again.  We put some milk in a clean dish, then we added some food colouring.  At first it did the same as the detergent - it stayed in a blob in the middle of the dish.  But when we added a drop of detergent into the middle of the food colouring we saw some magic happen!  Room 3, could you please add some comments at the bottom to explain what happened?

Friday, 1 May 2015

Guitar Solo by Connor

Yesterday one of the students in Room 3 performed his special guitar solo to our class.  Connor has been practicing his song very hard with Mrs Broadbent and we were very excited to finally hear his creation!  Well done Connor!  

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Opotoki the Baby Kereru

On St Patrick's Day we had a special visitor in Room 3.  Mrs Walker brought along the baby kereru she had rescued from one of her bike rides along the Rail Trail.  What did you think about the baby kereru, Room 3?

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to the Room 3 class blog!  Here you can find the current year's information like spelling words and links about our topic for the year: birds.  From time to time we will also add some of our learning for you to have a look at.  We hope you enjoy our updates.

Looking forward to a fantastic year!  :-)

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Some fun maths games

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a great holiday.

Here are some fun maths games for you:

Dog Bone

Catch tens